Genre: Psychological
Title: Envisage (pictures in ones mind)
Characters: 3-4
Plot: Main character is laying in bed sleeping, then finds himself to be laying down on a field looking up at the sky and his surrounding which include his friends. He then falls asleep and after a little while he wakes up and see's everything around him is gone. He gets up and investigates what's happened, but as he gets up he feels dizzy and walks around slightly unconscious of his surroundings. This is all filmed as a point of view shot. The camera shot is changed from the protagonist point of view to the antagonists point of view who is hiding, whilst showing shots of the protagonists actions and to build up tension (POV establishing shot). As the story progresses, the protagonist will be searching for people he knows, but when he finds them they're dead. He only finds each friend one at a time. As he is finding his friends, the antagonist gradually gets closer to him. Then after finding everyone he cares about, the antagonist goes after him, but before the antagonist kills him, the protagonist wakes up only to find that it was all a dream.
Effects: Voice over, a couple of transitions, music.
Possible locations: Field, bedroom, places around college.
Mood Board:
The film Inception could relate to our plot due to the fact it's all about dreaming.
Cast and Crew
cast: 3-4 characters, male main character, students at long road.
crew: Ben, Harry, Samanda
Lighting: natural lighting to create realism
Costume: protagonist is wearing formal clothing (trousers, shirt) his friends also wearing formal clothing to show the stereotypical thriller characters which make them seem unlikely to be a hero but they are.
Antagonist is wearing scruffy clothes to create a binary opposite against the protagonist.
Set: the scenes will be set in a bedroom, to show that the protagonist is comfortable and safe when sleeping. When the dream begins, we will set it on the field to show that they're outgoing and like to have fun when they're not working. We'll also use the forest bit at the back of long road to represent a hidden mysterious area. The forest can also present the stereotypical genre of a thriller.
Make-up: none used
Colour: black and white to show a different mood to the scene, natural colour for the rest of the scene.
Props: bed
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